Elect Matthew Kolodoski Logo


Patrick Wiseman Award for Civil Rights

May 3, 2024


Matthew Kolodoski is presented with the 2024 Patrick Wiseman Award for Civil Rights "in recognition of his outstanding contributions to civil rights and liberties in Texas." T...

Primary Results

March 5, 2024


Matthew Kolodoski receives over 186,000 votes in the Republican Primary and is formally selected as the Republican candidate for Place 9 on the Texas Fifth District Court of A...

Serjeant of the Inn Award

January 25, 2024


Matthew Kolodoski is presented with the 2024 Serjeant of the Inn Award, which is an award bestowed annually by each of the North Texas American Inns of Court to an attorney wh...

TLRPAC Endorses Matthew Kolodoski for Election to the 5th Court of Appeals

August 16, 2023


Texans for Lawsuit Reform PAC (TLRPAC) endorsed Matthew Kolodoski for election to Place 9 on the 5th Court of Appeals. "Texas judges make critical decisions every day that imp...